This section guides you through initializing Atomic Toolkit within a server environment like a backend application. Currently Atomic toolkit can be initializing in the following ways:

  1. Using Arweave Wallet
  2. Using Irys SDK

Using Arweave Wallet

It uses the Arweave Wallet to sign transactions and interact with the Arweave network.

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import AtomicToolkit from 'atomic-toolkit';

const key = JSON.parse(readFileSync('wallet.json').toString());

const toolkit = new AtomicToolkit({
    key: key,

Input Parameters

The following params are available for this function and they must be passed in as an object:

  • warp (optional): Warp: A Warp Instance to use with Deploy Plugin. If not provided, the default Warp instance for Mainnet will be used.
  • arweave (optional): Arweave: An Arweave Instance to use. If not provided, the default Arweave instance with gateway will be used.
  • key: JWKInterface: The Key to use for signing transactions. Should be a JWK object.

Private keys must be kept secure at all times. Please ensure that the wallet.json file is not pushed to a version control (eg. GitHub). If you are using a CI/CD pipeline, ensure that the wallet.json file is not stored in the repository.

The Warp instance should use the DeployPlugin. It is neccessary to register Atomic Assets

Default Values

 * Default Warp instance
const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet().use(new DeployPlugin());

 * Default Arweave configuration.
const defaultArweave = new Arweave({
    host: '',
    port: 443,
    protocol: 'https',

Custom Instance Example

import Arweave from 'arweave';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import AtomicToolkit from 'atomic-toolkit';
import { DeployPlugin } from 'warp-contracts-plugin-deploy';
import { WarpFactory, defaultCacheOptions } from 'warp-contracts';

const key = JSON.parse(readFileSync('wallet.json').toString());

const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet({
    inMemory: true,
}).use(new DeployPlugin());

const arweave = new Arweave({
    host: '',
    port: 443,
    protocol: 'https',

const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet({
    inMemory: true,
}).use(new DeployPlugin());

const toolkit = new AtomicToolkit({
    key: key,

Using Irys SDK

This uses the Irys SDK to sign transactions and interact with the Arweave network.

import AtomicToolkit from 'atomic-toolkit';
import Irys from '@irys/sdk';

const irys = new Irys({
    url: '',
    token: 'matic',
    key: 'your-ethereum-private-key',

await irys.ready();

const toolkit = new AtomicToolkit({

Input Parameters

The following params are available for this function and they must be passed in as an object:

  • warp (optional): Warp: A Warp Instance to use with Deploy Plugin. If not provided, the default Warp instance for Mainnet will be used.
  • irys: Irys: The Irys SDK instance to use.

The Warp instance should use the DeployPlugin. It is neccessary to register Atomic Assets

Default Values

 * Default Warp instance
const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet().use(new DeployPlugin());

Custom Instance Example

import Irys from '@irys/sdk';
import AtomicToolkit from 'atomic-toolkit';
import { DeployPlugin } from 'warp-contracts-plugin-deploy';
import { WarpFactory, defaultCacheOptions } from 'warp-contracts';

const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet({
    inMemory: true,
}).use(new DeployPlugin());

const irys = new Irys({
    url: '',
    token: 'matic',
    key: 'your-ethereum-private-key',

await irys.ready();

const toolkit = new AtomicToolkit({

Using Turbo SDK

import { TurboFactory } from '@ardrive/turbo-sdk';
import AtomicToolkit from 'atomic-toolkit';
import fs from 'fs';

const jwk = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./KeyFile.json'));

const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ privateKey: jwk });
const toolkit = new AtomicToolkit({ turbo });

Input Parameters

The following params are available for this function and they must be passed in as an object:

  • warp (optional): Warp: A Warp Instance to use with Deploy Plugin. If not provided, the default Warp instance for Mainnet will be used.
  • turbo: An authenticated Turbo instance to use for uploading with Turbo.