Let’s dive into a quick installation and setup guide to get you started with Atomic Toolkit.

Install the SDK

npm install atomic-toolkit

Setup the SDK

First, import the SDK into your project. You can do this on the server-side or client-side depending on your use case.

import AtomicToolkit from 'atomic-toolkit';

Currently, Atomic Toolkit can be initialized using a Arweave Wallet or Irys SDK.

Using an Arweave Wallet

const key = JSON.parse(readFileSync('wallet.json').toString());

const toolkit = new AtomicToolkit({
    key: key,

Using Irys

import Irys from '@irys/sdk';

const irys = new Irys({
    url: 'https://node2.irys.xyz',
    token: 'matic',
    key: 'your-private-key',

await irys.ready();

const toolkit = new AtomicToolkit({
    irys: irys,

Create a Atomic Asset

Now that you have the SDK setup, you can create a new Atomic Asset.

const toolkit = new AtomicToolkitWeb({});

// Simple Text File
const file = new File(['hello world'], 'hello.txt', {
    type: 'text/plain',

const res = await toolkit.assets.createAtomicAsset(file, {
    initialState: {
        ticker: 'HELLO',
        name: 'Hello World',
        balances: {
            '9WQ7xH2LOuqfAccjGquck8eaKARg1vMhRJaOo3LJL14': 1,
        claimable: [],
    discoverability: {
        title: 'Hello World',
        description: 'Hello World',
        type: 'text',


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