Create Atomic Asset Options

Options for creating an atomic asset.

export type CreateTradableAssetOpts = {
     * The initial state of the asset.
    initialState: TradableAssetInitState;
     * The discoverability tags associated with the asset.
    discoverability: DiscoverabilityTags;
     * The license tags associated with the asset.
    license?: LicenseTags;
     * The contract identifier tags associated with the asset.
    contractIdentifier?: ContractIdentifierTags;
     * Wether to Index the Asset (Making it tradable on Marketplaces like BazAR)
     * @default true
    indexWithUCM?: boolean;
     * Additional tags associated with the asset.
    additionalTags?: Tag[];

Tag Type

export type Tag = {
    name: string;
    value: string;

Initial State

The initial state of a tradable atomic asset.

 * Represents the initial state of a tradable asset.
export type TradableAssetInitState = Record<string, any> & {
     * Ticker for the Asset. eg- ATOMIC
    ticker: string;
     * Name of the Asset. eg- Atomic Asset
    name: string;
     * List of Balances for the Asset. eg- { "Z7t5Dw42qalSx9-1u4wINXWayX7Ktu_i3sbc31tSDb4": 1 }
    balances: Record<string, number>;
     * List of Claimable Addresses for the Asset.
    claimable: ClaimableType[];

export type ClaimableType = {
     * Arweave Address who called the claim Function.
    from: string;
     * Quantity of the Asset to be claimed.
    qty: number;
     * The Arweave Address to which the Asset is to be transferred.
    to: string;
     * The Transaction ID of the Transaction which called the claim Function.
    txID: string;